Monday, February 4, 2008


Thats right, Bill got the ole sugar shack smoke'n again. We are not even sure when the last time those doors have even been open, but there stood a very well made woodstove perfect for the farm to continue with our maple sugarin project. Delbert Gray had it going on back in the day! Soon enough we will be tapping trees and sugarin till spring. Yea, spring when is that again. The kiosk roof and welcome sign is up, so we need to finish the actual informative part. The sun is out and so am I untill then. LD


Si Pemimpi said...

wow, cool, eh, cold, hehehe...
i love the pictures,
where is it? what country? what state? what mountain? how i love them.

louie'sfolks said...

can't wait for the maple syrup this spring. Hope to take a small jug back to NC with me.