Saturday, November 3, 2007

Short Days, Long Shadows

Warm days and cool nights here at D Acres. The cold frames are on and the fires are being lit to extend our growing season as long as we can. We still have Cabbage, Kale, Carrots, Beets, Leeks, Daikon, J. Artichoke and Salad Greens outdoors, with Tomatoes, Peppers, Basil, Greens, and more Carrots and Beets in the greenhouses. Combined with the potoatoes, winter squash, and canned goods we have stored, we should all eat well this winter. It is always a joy to share our harvest with friends, while celebrating the hard work that so many have helped with.

Wild Turkeys have made themselves at home on the farm. It is encouraging that our land stewardship efforts are encouraging a diversity of wildlife. The woods, fields, and abundance of food and water sources provide for many animals, in addition to all of us humans. At the same time, it causes us to reflect upon how intimately related our actions are. As influencial members of this farm ecosystem, the habitats of many other species are determined by the decisions we make. While it is often difficult to know what is truly best for the whole ecology, our consideration for the soil, water, plants, and animals is always at the core of our decision making and agricultural practices. As we understand more about this ecology, our practices evolve. The Turkeys let us know that they like it here, and that what we are creating is somewhat in tune with the natural design. -be

1 comment:

Sue F said...

First I'm going to say I love turkeys. Have a decent flock of heritage birds, largely pets but some extra toms will be freezer bound.

Just wait until the turkeys eat your garlic, chives and onions to the ground. They love alliums. They will taste test even tomatoes and potatoes when young. The tomatoes themselves are goners. If it's edible for you it's edible for them. Buds are stripped from trees in winter and early spring.
Enjoy the birds. Even with my yard being eaten alive I wouldn't be without the goofy birds.