Sunday, March 23, 2008

lessons from Argentina

Amazing technology that we have these days...i can submit a post from Tunuyan Argentina. I am sitting in the at&t of argentina store where they have phone and internet access

Tunuyan is in the province of Mendoza along the eastern slopes of the Andes. The region is very dry and known for its wine, especially a distinct flavor called Malbec. In general Argentina is an incredible place to be, full of south american energies and inconsistencies. One of the things is that the people are very concerned with their appearance and being in people that we would consider poor ( dirt floors, malnourished) are very concerned with how they dress and appear in public, also the amount of grapes they are growing while people are stuggling to feed themselves is also a little disturbing. The people are for the most part super friendly although there is definetly resentment towards United States imperialism and our war mongering ways.

I am staying with a friend from the Boston area by the name of Vida Chavez Garcia, she has some photos of the farm and building project we are working on her facebook page...we have been working on putting about 40 posts up so that then the foundation can be poured for a spiral shaped house that her mother will reside in eventually, the house is really a neat architectural design and will incorporate lots of sustainable tech such as straw bale, adobe, cob, dry toilets and photovoltaics...our field work has consisted of attempting to clear about one acre of crab grass while shaping some permanent general the work is low tech with a lot of human power and has been great to get into the dirt and do some hardcore hands on is alot like what we do at Dacres and it has been a great experience to once again volunteer on "someone elses" project..i guess in general it has re-enforced for me the notion that this planet is ours to share and you must give effort everyday even if you dont "own" on paper what you are working on...we must learn to share and respect the air, water, soil, animals and each other because that is what we have to share on this planet...if we only do for ourselves we are alone and humanity will fail....
i truly believe that we as a species must realize this lesson and act accordingly because time is running out and we as a species are currently acting selfish and without regard for each other and the future of this planet...

geez i hope thats not too deep, i have been getting a full dose of south american sun every day..quite a bit of vitamin D that i wish i could share with the folks at D Acres and in the region..spring is coming and i will return soon and look forward to seeing all the smiling faces and working together towards a positive future
until then
in evolution
josh t

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