Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Common Ground

Merry Equinox y’all! We just got back from Common Ground Fair in Unity Maine, a 3- day event promoting sustainable agriculture in the region. A whole D Acres crew populated a table in the education tent. Lauren sampled maine’s finest horse powered ice cream, JT gave a talk and yucked it up with Elliot Coleman, KatDawg learned the dance of universal peace, J Blye won a wedge with his chainsaw knowledge, Joe stared deep into the anvil, I saw a broccoli as big as my head, and Jessie videographed the whole thing. All in all the fair was a great time to see old friends, meet some new ones, and celebrate our rich agricultural heritage.

Louis D held down the farm while we were away and had to lay down the law on some nonpaying campers trying to sneak off. Luckily their ploy to cheat a non-profit organiztion was foiled by the goose. It is tough to pull one over on LD, I think he has some pirate in him…
We are having a volunteer day this sunday, so come on out to plant some garlic and we will feed you. Take some time to check out the full moon tonight, it should be illuminous! -be

1 comment:

louie'sfolks said...

Louie is part pirate, he grew up fishing off the NC coast