Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Tuesday-Wednesday Fall is here!!

The picture shows the view to the north with Mt the foregound is the flower garden and the skelton of the new greenhouse.
Wow, the weather got chilly last night on Streeter Woods Rd. Yesterday was gorgeous i spent the day cruising around the Upper Valley picking up chicken food and flour. I got to have lunch with one of my favorite people, marion settle in white river jct. I went by here new studio space and then we went to the deli at the Jct co-op...we talked about love,

relationships, the street fair in the jct on sept 29th, the pirate party and rise up vermont.....stella conversation..then i went to canvass the area with a focus on the soil workshop with Mark Fulford in November, when i got home i went to a neighbor's on the river rd to get some metal chimney pipe she had lieing around, after dinner of weekend leftovers we went to ktm's catch i walked the oxen and we had a meeting about the class we wanna teach at plymouth in the spring..the noontime we have another meeting on planning for 2008 and then Bill and I will work on grants,then we should take some measurements of the neighbors roof so we can give him an estimate on putting a metal roof on...i also have to cook dinner and go to the conservation Commission meeting this evening...Rebecca (possible intern) is visiting today...tomorrow i am psyched to get in the woods and do some forestry..hasta pronto jt

1 comment:

louie'sfolks said...

that horizonal timber at the top of the greenhouse must have taken some ingenuity and strength to get into place. good work.